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The European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is delighted to present an array of sponsorship opportunities to expose your brand and solidify your status within the vibrant European and Hong Kong business communities.


Partner with us now

Our sponsorship program is tailored to offer unparalleled visibility and engagement through two distinct streams: Year-Round Sponsorships and Event-Specific Partnerships.


Year-round sponsorships provide a unique chance for your organization to be at the forefront of our initiatives, roundtables, and communications throughout the year. This comprehensive package is designed for those looking to maximize their visibility and impact within the European business community in Hong Kong, offering continuous exposure and opportunities to engage with our extensive network of businesses and professionals.


Event-Specific Partnerships cater to those interested in targeting particular events that resonate most closely with their strategic goals and audience. Whether it's a gala, a focused seminar on sustainability, or a networking event, our tailored partnerships ensure your brand is prominently featured and aligned with key events that drive your business objectives forward.


Both sponsorship streams guarantee a range of benefits: brand visibility on our platforms, speaking opportunities (conditions apply), exclusive networking access, and the ability to showcase your company's commitment to supporting the European business ecosystem in Hong Kong.


We invite you to join us in this journey as a valued sponsor. By aligning with the European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, you amplify your brand and contribute to the dialogue and development of sustainable business practices in our dynamic region.


For more information on becoming a sponsor and exploring the full range of benefits, please contact our sponsorship team. Together, we can tailor a sponsorship package that aligns with your strategic goals and showcases your commitment to excellence and sustainability in the business world.

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