6 March 2017
EUBIP Position Papers 2017
In line with the European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong’s contributions to the European Union Business Information Programme (EUBIP), the EuroCham’s Business Councils have produced Position Papers for 2017.
With these Position Papers, the ECC wants to facilitate an open and constructive dialogue to make Hong Kong’s business environment more competitive, encourage more European businesses to set up and expand their operations in Hong Kong.
The Business Councils bring together professionals from the 1600 European companies operating in Hong Kong. When preparing the Position Papers, the Councils consulted experts and professionals in the respective fields, as well as the EU office in Hong Kong.
The Following Business Councils have produced a Position Paper for 2017:
The European Automotive Council’s (EAC) aim is for this position paper to lead to overall improvements in the following target areas: Regulations Inhibiting Future Technology, Greener Transportation Including Electrical Mobility and Manpower. EUBIP EAC 2017 Position Paper
The Energy and Environment Business Council (EEBC) chose to highlight areas of concern surrounding a Circular Economy, Commodity Pricing, Glass Recycling and Food Waste Management. EUBIP EEBC 2017 Position Paper
The Financial Services Business Council (FSBC) selected the status and development of financial technology (FinTech) in Hong Kong. It analyses the extent to which Hong Kong is prepared to harness the new opportunities presented by this emerging economic sector. EUBIP FSBC Position Paper 2017
The Information and Communication Technology Business Council (ICTBC) Position Paper analyses: Smart Cities, ICT Infrastructure Initiatives-Public Sector Data, ICT Application Initiatives-Mobility-as-a-Service, Ramping up Mechanisms for Attracting Competences, Companies and New Technologies, Innovation Procurement and, lastly, Tech Start-Up Ecosystems. EUBIP ICTBC 2017 Position Paper
The Intellectual Property Rights Business Council (IPRBC) selected to analyse the following topics: Hong Kong’s Global Role in Counterfeit Trading, IPR Protection- On the Internet, IPR Protection at the Borders, IPR Protection on Inland and, at last, Co-operation and Awareness. EUBIP IPRBC 2017 Position Paper
The EUBIP programme has been up and running since June of 2014. Its general objective is to strengthen economic partnership and business cooperation with Hong Kong and Macau. It also attempts to ensure that a stronger and more coordinated representation of European business and its interests are present in Hong Kong and Macao.
For any enquiries, please contact EuroCham’s General Manager, Núria Sau (nuria.sau@eurocham.com.hk)