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Investment Psychology: Under And After the COVID-19 Pandemic

22 June 2020


Professor Kasper Meisner Nielsen from Copenhagen Business School and HKUST will give an overview of investment psychology under and after the Covid-19 pandemic

The European Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and HKUST Business School are happy to host a webinar about the impact of COVID-19 pandemic in the investment industry.

As the European economies slowly recover from the first phase of the Covid-19 pandemic it seems timely to ask whether the crisis will have long lasting effects on investors and financial markets.

In this seminar, Professor Kasper Meisner Nielsen from Copenhagen Business School and HKUST will give an overview of investment psychology under and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Investment psychology is an area of behavioral finance, which combines insights from economics and psychology to explain why and how investors act and to understand how this behavior affects the market. Understanding the impact of the pandemic on investment psychology is important, because investor psychology is shaped by past exposure to economic and financial crises. Investment psychology also provides helpful guidance to understand how financial markets reacted to the crisis and how the market will react to the reopening of economies.

For registration, please click here

Fees: Free (Member) / 70 HKD (Non-member)

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