Hermia Chan
Project Coordinator Trainee
Hermia joined the Chamber in August 2022.
She is a student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, focusing on Global Studies.
Read more about her experience at EuroCham below.
Question 1: What aspect of the role did you enjoy the most and what did you find challenging?
As a social sciences student, I personally find duties related to policies the most interesting. I enjoyed consolidating the Board’s and Business Councils’ policy recommendations for Policy Address Submission, which brought me a more in-depth perspective of European companies in Hong Kong during the special time of the pandemic. Sustainability has always been a passion of mine. Therefore, reviewing Hong Kong government’s sustainability initiative to set the ground for the Green Way Forward discussion was one of my favourite tasks.
Working with different business councils at EuroCham allows you to learn from the experts of the respective skills. However, they sometimes use a lot of abbreviations of the industry during meetings, which can be challenging for newcomers. Google (and now ChatGPT) and our general manager are your best friends in this situation!
Question 2: What will you take from this experience? How Do you think it will it help you with your future endeavours?
EuroCham is a compact team with many exciting initiatives. Working with 4 different business councils and attending meetings with the EU office, I have gained knowledge and insight beyond my role as a Project Coordinator intern. The knowledge I learnt from members of the Sustainable Finance Working Group was immensely helpful for my career transition (into sustainability risk advisory).
Multi-tasking is another important skill in all workplaces. Instead of having clearly-defined responsibilities, I had the opportunity to try out a wide variety of roles in EuroCham. The nature of work at EuroCham does require trainees to juggle between tasks and carry them out timely and correctly, and I personally find it fun and exciting.
Question 3: What attracted you to the role and did it meet your expectations?
I would like to pursue a master’s degree in Europe after graduation and therefore, applied to the EuroCham with an aim to gain insights into Europe-Hong Kong relations and experience working with the private sector. My journey with EuroCham met all my expectations and opened more doors for my career development!